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  • Have a very Happy Thanksgiving Holiday!!Hope it all goes smoothly, and, you get some much needed rest. Let the gang do the clean up post dinner. Rags and Jeb Stuart
    Hope you're feeling better! I had the same thing happen last week with my 4 year olds party to pull off on Saturday. Seems to happen everytime we have a heroic mom event to accomplish. I've gotten so used to working through it I don't know what I'd do if I got to take a real sick day again! :) BTW Have a super Holiday! ..maybe where a mask over your mouth while you cook.....if you can't find one you can borrow my red-bandana-Oh my Gawd!
    If your crew is anything like my wild animals, sadly,yeah...I do. Somebody put me out of my misery now!! Well this is why Jesus had wine with dinner! LOL LOL LOL
    You getting ready for Thanksgiving? Hope you are not cooking and get an invite out so you can get a break from the madness! :)
    Hey! Just saw the rep you left me in regards to your hidden message ( I sent you a PM earlier), I think "dork" is too nice. LOL
    Hey, preco. I just enjoyed listening to the Freddie Mercury posts you put under "What are you listening to?". Queen is one of my top three favorite groups ever but never heard Freddie sing solo like that. Yes, another talent gone way too soon. Along with Jim Morrison in my book. Freddie is one of those persons that I remember exactly where I was when I heard of the news of him passing. Thanks for sharing...:)
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