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  • Thanks for voting! I truly want this for this couple. The father was in my highschool class...the mom one year above me, and the couple were highschool sweethearts. They are great people who are trying to do great things. I'm gonna go :cry: now. :hug: means a lot...I'm a big sap today! :pound:
    I didn't mean to ignore your frien request, I'm just not very observent about messages ( plus my eye is hanging out). I did okay you for a friend. Mea culpa!!! =(
    Geez, it must be tough getting around S.I. with all that water in those heels.
    Happy New Years

    Got to say.. I was pretty addicted to Spoofee fr a while. But as others began to leave I lost interest... I am a total Facebook addict now!
    Living on the edge...... :rofl:..............almost falling off the cliff.......... :lol:
    Some days are good and some are bad. I am having another Botox injection in 2 months. Gonna see if it is really working. Atleast I have a smooth forehead! How are you?
    Working my crippled a$$ off in Key West, where it's 86 degrees at 6 AM and the humidity sometimes drops to 90%. I'm tired, depressed, stressed and ready to disappear from 'civilization' or treat myself to a cranial lead injection.

    But enough about me, how have you been?
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