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  • Hey Kim! :) I didn't win the Macy's card, but I'm glad you did! :hug: Especially since you didn't have a very good day. :( Just think of it as a :present: from me. ;) Love ya!
    Thanks! I am doing a lot better and your very welcome on the P n P words LOL I'm afraid I don't do much work on them just borrow them from another site! :rofl: works for me tho!
    The only color they have is dark brown. I'm saving it for a stocking stuffer for Leah. If I'm by there again this week- I'll ask for one for you. They all know me there. I'm applying for a part time job there at x-mas- so I can get lots of samples. Check out my blog today- I wrote all about yesterdays haul.
    Please e-mail me the good survey sites and the secret to your frickin sucess!!!!
    No pack from Kraft, but all my mail heads out on the slowest boat from Chinaa before it comes back to Indiana on the slowest boat, only to be hauled by corn fed god-knows-what!
    Hi Kim, just looked at your list and i was wondering if you have the Mary Kay compact? if you do and you have more than one, i'd trade my jewelry and i have a brand new eyeliner and brush thats worth $45 for 2 of mary kay compact, if you have one i'd trade either one of mine with you. let me know. thanks
    Hey Kim- I leave for Portland today- can't believe it!!! No Anchor jeans store here- never even heard of it. Glad you got your jeans. have a great week- I'll be online from Oregon from time to time...
    Sorry Kim... I haven't been online much lately, and I am just no getting your message. :(
    OK, sorry I didn't vote, I never got a notice that you had left a message. Just now got a notification re someone else and noticed your message. Hope he won anyway. can I still come to the BBQ? :wave:
    Good luck, Kim! :hug: I voted and passed the link on to some more friends, I know you are going to win! :lock: :marshmallow:
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