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  • To all my Spoofee friends...

    Private Message me your FaceBook name so I can add you as a friend.

    Hi Madonna. Thought I would check in on you. How are things going? Our daughter's wedding was great!! As you say, where does the time go? It's almost 3 weeks ago. Hope you're staying cool.
    Nope he didnt get deployed again, not yet anyway, once he got back from Afghanistan we were pcs'ed to a new post and are now in North Carolina. He will be deployed again either at the end of this year or the beginning of next year, but im happy we get to have some time together. Kids are doing great, im homeschooling my oldest son, cant believe hes almost 6, lol, and the others are doing great! The baby is starting to talk, hes now 16 months old and says momma, dadda, drink, butt butt (for when he wants his diaper changed, lol) and a few other little words. How are you and your family doing?
    :glasses: He looks so darn cute :blushing:

    How are things going :mad: oona:questionmark:
    Hi sweetie!!! :loving::hug::target: I missed you !!! I love Landon's picture!!!:yesnod:
    I'm doing alright. How are things going with you? Sorry, Oliver removed his friends on FB.......if you didn't notice.

    How's :baby: Landon doing?
    :wave::director:HOPPY EASTER!!! :pound::hugs:

    Gone but not forgotten!!!:yesnod::)
    Well hello to you:)Long time since I have seen you around! Hope all is well with you and yours:hugs:
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