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  • hi hills, I took a little break. I wanted to thank you for the hugs. I thought I would be gone peramently. I see I will not be leaving spoofee land. Please forgive me I have delected you as a friend. i hope I can redeem myself and be your friend again. Rhon
    Hi Hills, Just wanted to say hi . I hope you are doing well. I see you found the new post for the rep game.
    Thanks, Sis! :hugs: Give Brandon a :kiss: and a :hugs: for me and tell him that I hope he feels better, too. South Carolina Winters are so crazy sometimes, last week it felt like Spring and this week it feels like the North Pole! :lol:
    Is that you way of saying you missed me? :lol: :tongue: Because I missed you, too! :hugs: :kiss: Just came back from the doc with my son and he has a sinus infection. :sad:
    hi hilly... just saw your post about new kitties...if that is one of your "babies" in your avatar he/she is ADORABLE. I am a big animal lover and have two very friendly Siamese cats. Congrats! hope they let you sleep.
    Hills, I am doing just great. I hadn't heard from you in awhile.I just wanted to say Hi. Chicago is starting to warm up a little. We are getting 30' degree weather, I am pretty excited about that. Yet I know I can't take too many clothes off. But it is good to breathe again. I wrap up so much because I work outside.
    Mine do that too...I love when I get a tiny box that one can barely fit in...and they will fight for the honor of being the winner of the box they can just barely squeeze their lil a$$ in...they will get al 4 paws in and the rest of them hangs out...and fall asleep like that just so no one else can get it...I have weirdos....LOL
    way too cute...dont show that to my kids!!! Actually my kids would probably be sleeping in the box they came in...sometimes they are a lil s-l-o-w
    Thanks for the comments on my babies...yours are too cute!!!! mine just turned 6 yrs old...silly lil kids...they think they are ppl and i am their pet/slave/huge heating blankie....LOL
    Happy New Year, Sis! :hugs: I meant to tell you yesterday, but I STILL wasn't in my right mind after New Years Eve! :cocktail: :lol:
    HAPPY NEW YEAR wish for you many blessings throughout 2010......lol I'm sorry I just can't wrap my head around the year 2010 just doesn't seem right lol. Took me awhile to get used to the new millenium & I thought I had but 2010 seems like its a distant future year. Take care & God Bless!
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