You're asking me about smileys? LOL I'm going to have to learn all of the new ones and the new codes for the old ones! GEEZ! I hope u're feeling better this morning. :hugs:
Thanks for the tip on the hug smiley! :hugs: :rofl: I got it now! I'm glad the boys are feeling better! :woot: So am I! I was just telling dbee that I don't need anymore colds for a LIFETIME! LOL
I hope the boys are better now. :hug: My Thanksgiving was really nice and relaxing and I ate like a pig! LOL I wish I had more turkey, I would FedEx you a sandwich! Hey! I tried to make a hug smiley, but it doesn't work!
..........pierced, :nonod:..........I have enough in my ears to keep me happy....eace: ...How are things going with you?...:angel:... How are the boys doing?......:teeth: