Tuesday or Wednesday? I'll be surprised if you make it through the weekend!! ound: Whenever I was pregnant and wanted something, I couldn't wait! :lol:
I like the way your husband thinks! :loving: But then again, I didn't expect any less of him! Hmmm, I wonder what he's cooking tonight! :hungry: :wink:
I know you are all very excited! Kadin is going to be such a big help! When I had my youngest son, my other boys were sooo excited and wanted to help with EVERYTHING! :lol: The boys are going to adore their new sibling and be glad to have another partner to help tear up the house! ound:
'Faxing" - ound: ound: I am taking online classes now and it's a lot easier than going to the campus! I can't believe he's almost 2 years old! :yikes: He's going to be going to school with Kadin b4 you know it and then I'll have to make you feel better all over again! :hugs: