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  • Merry Christmas, Joyce! :hug: I hope you and your family have a great day! :)
    Merry Christmas

    What's up Joyce!! The Lady with the big heart!! Merry Christmas. Chicago is suffering. We have snow, freezing rain and 30 degree weather. I hope you are keeping warm.
    :cheers::santaclaus::kiss: Merry Christmas! thanks for all the hugs and warm thoughts! all the best to you and your family!
    Hey Joyce! You're tired? I've been chasing deals all over two counties. Boy, this freebie gathering (Lord & Taylor, Hallmark, Lane Bryant, etc. etc.) is freakin exhausting. And look at the time! I need to go to bed so I can do more running around tomorrow. Thank goodness I don't really have to do much Christmas shopping (everyone wants checks from me and I'm happy to oblige!). It's just the two of us, so we don't fuss anymore. We used to go all out when our daughter was here. Well, rest up--it's not over yet! But, try to have a Merry Christmas no matter what. Love, Pat
    Hi Joyce, Enjoying your warm weather while every else is suffering. :lol:
    Hi Joyce--how are you? I'm feeling much better. I think it was the teddy bear! Thanks! Now, if we can just leave our house tomorrow (snowing here).
    Joce I doing very well, Its still very cold in chicago.20 degrees, It should get 35 tomorrow. My job is celebrating our Christmas party tomorrow. They usually have a guy dress up as Sants and pass out presents to the neighborhood children. Its good to see their smiling faces.
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