Lyn3015 Jul 25, 2008 Hi Joyce! I just wanted to wish you a Happy Friday!! Got any great plans this weekend? Boy, it is sooo hot here!! Way too hot to be outside!
Hi Joyce! I just wanted to wish you a Happy Friday!! Got any great plans this weekend? Boy, it is sooo hot here!! Way too hot to be outside!
callmeCrazyButt Jul 22, 2008 How tall are you? dbee is going to have to wear lifts so she is K-ma's and my height. LOL
kaija Jul 21, 2008 It's funny, I'd prev. thought you WERE on my friend list already so when I saw you weren't, I was like "WTH?? How'd this slip by me?!" LOL Glad that's been remedied!
It's funny, I'd prev. thought you WERE on my friend list already so when I saw you weren't, I was like "WTH?? How'd this slip by me?!" LOL Glad that's been remedied!
K Ma Jul 21, 2008 I found the perfect disguises for us!
K Ma Jul 20, 2008 lol...I think I would rather have get gum in my hair....the boat idea sounds great! It would be a great excuse to buy a new bathing suit!
lol...I think I would rather have get gum in my hair....the boat idea sounds great! It would be a great excuse to buy a new bathing suit!
dbee Jul 20, 2008 I'm so gald that there are 4 of us now, :lock::lock::lock::lock: I think for this mission we will all need eachother.
I'm so gald that there are 4 of us now, :lock::lock::lock::lock: I think for this mission we will all need eachother.
dbee Jul 20, 2008 :28: I refuse to go by horse. I told k-ma that they smell and I won't do it. Since I am so tall (7 feet), I will out run any horse. :claps: Why can't we just go by water? :like:
:28: I refuse to go by horse. I told k-ma that they smell and I won't do it. Since I am so tall (7 feet), I will out run any horse. :claps: Why can't we just go by water? :like: