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  • Welcome home Joyceeeee!!!! :hug: You have alot of messages to return....please make dbee a prioirty....the girl has got her draw's in knots! LOL!
    Hi Joyce. Things have just been crazy at home so I've been missing my computer time. Lots of work stuff, just a busy time. I hate that, I want to play!

    BTW, I like your holiday avatar. Very cute. :)
    Jersey Boys was great!!! Toronto is only 3 hours from here , so it's a one day trip. Had a great time, thanks
    Hi Joyce. I liked my other avitar but prefer to have a unique one so had to change it. I'm on my way to Toronto thoday to see JERSEY BOYS. Should be fun. Have a good week.
    Hi Joyce - Did you win the $25 Macy's gc from Glamspotters survey, too??? I was so tickled to get their email tonight. I wasn't having a very good day at work or at home, and this made me smile! Thanks again for posting and thinking of all of us. I wouldn't have known otherwise and missed this opportunity!
    Hey hunny!!! jus checkin in 2 c wats happening!!!! Hope u r doin ok!!! i jus checked bzz cuz i read the threadn i im n on the Vodka!!! whoo-hoo party time!!!!! love ya Joyce, hope all is well!!!
    Thanks for the request Joyce. Glad to have you as my FIRST friend on here. I've been using Spooffee for about a year and decided to quit lurking and become a member about 2 months ago.
    hi joyce, thanks for being my friend..I thought we already did this>anyway, have a great week
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