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  • All you have to do is click on settings in the top right corner of the page :teeth:

    Then it will be at the bottom left side of the page under forums :smiley:

    You can do it ! :cheer2:
    Miss you girl! I have been thinking about you a lot over the past few weeks and thought that I would stop in and see how you and the kids were doing.
    Take care
    Hi Joyce, long time no text. lol Can you help me with the Marlboro offer. Already was signed up but don't see where to put in my promo code or where the free offers are. HELP ME!? Thanks! Amy
    :rofl: That's funny what you said you did yesterday :pound:

    I hate that you can't see what time people left you a message :rant:

    I don't like how these pages are set up :sad: it makes me feel like I'm a stranger here :cry:
    Hi Joyce, I finally thawed out Chicago was 30 degrees today. thanks for some warm weather.
    :yikes: I have no idea and I don't like it :nonod:

    Did you see when someone leaves you a message, you have no idea what time they left it :rant:
    I am trying to stay warm. Chicago won't let me !!! It's a whopping 17degrees here. :rant::cry::ack:
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