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  • Hi! I hope your holiday season was filled with love and happiness.

    Have a safe, fun and happy new year :cheers2:

    :lol: omg did the word get out already I only had one drink ok well two! Sheeesh but they were weak. :lol:You'd think two drinks in several years wouldn't be a big deal, lol yes I had two drinks for xmas. Made my dd a pitcher of pina colada's and since my blood has been extremely thick I had two small drinks with her. I usually don't cheat on that because I'm on blood thinners but my doc hasn't been able to get my blood thin enough for quite some time so figured it wouldn't hurt but not something I will probably do again for a long time. Not even for New Years although I may make virgin daquiri's, love em. You have a wonderful New Years too and lol don't drink too much either! Hope 2009 brings you many blessings. Oh I did get my xmas pics on here if you want to take a peek. TTYL
    thank you for the christmas card .. i hope you had a wonderful christmas and have a happy new year ...
    Thanks Joyce I really did both the kids came home and were able to stay from Christmas until Sunday afternoon. Was so nice having them home but lol it was such a relief to have a quiet home again and not have to do anything but veg out this evening. How was your Christmas?
    Hi Joyce! I hope you had as wonderful a Christmas as I did. Nothing like getting together with family for a loving celebration. I hope your Dad was feeling up to it. It is difficult when a parent is ill-I know, as my parents are 83 and 85. It is a daily thing for me and I love them so dearly.
    Let's hope for a happier, healthier, wealthier New Year. Cheers to 2009! Love, Apple
    Merry Christmas, Joyce! :) I hope Santa brought you lots of goodies! :boogy:
    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!Thank you for the card!Did you get mine?:clover::cheers:
    Thanks so much for the card, hope you get mine in time! :hugs:
    I hope everything is okay down there, hope to see you back on here soon!
    Love ya Sis! Have a wonderful Christmas!
    Joyce... U have simply made my day and my Holiday season!! U have no idea!!!!!! From the bottom of my heart.. I say THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! I hope that all is well with you and your family!!! Come back 2 us when u can!!!!!!! You are such a thoughtful and caring person... and I am humbled and honored to call u a friend!!!!!!!!
    LOVE Alexis!!!!!
    HEADS UP CHECK your emails for ONE2ONE NET WORK ( Freeze 24-7 Samples )are coming‏ .Got the email today!:):yesnod:
    Hi joyce. I love your tree avatar. How the heck are ya? All is fine here, but wicked cold!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great sunday, apple:)
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