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  • Well I pulled some strings and made sure there were at least a couple of pumpkin pies Sunday at our church fellowship dinner! :teeth:
    I thought about that......but sometimes the anticipation is the best part.......maybe next Wednesday....or
    UGH. You got that right! My husband actually asked me last night what I would do if it is another boy, and I told him once a month go out and do girl things. He laughed and said "If it was me I would want at least 2 hours a day to myself..." I think I might take him up on it. LOL
    See, I am going to use that to my advantage......"Mama's Day" - pedicures, shopping, lunch, massage........:wink:
    Another partner in crime? I don't know if the house or myself can take it. LOL
    Mmmmmmmm................pumpkin pie...................I can't wait to sink my teeth into several pieces!!!!!! I know that I will have to get into the swing of things just like I did when Kesler was born, although Kadin was older.....Kadin is very excited. He wants a baby sister.
    Awww....thank you. :hugs: I do have my days where I think "how am I going to handle 3 kids?" LOL
    Thanks for the friend invite.. came at a really good time. Hope your having a good week!
    Hey, Joyce! Really? One of your favs? Wow. That cheered me up! And, BTW: Ditto, Baby!
    Hey! Food Lion has canisters of mixed nuts BOGO! Although, I thought those things always came in pairs.....hmmmmm
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