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  • Merry Christmas

    Well, as long as your honey doesn't mind, I wouldn't either! :lol: I haven't been doing the expo thing, but I am going to look into it! Thanks for the info, X-mas is right around the corner and I am trying to rack up on gift cards and things like that! :woot:
    :hungry: M&M's and Fritos sound good to me! :) ..and who said the 7 lbs didn't look good on you anyway? :loving: :)
    We ate the same thing last night AND tonight! :lol: But you know what they say, spaghetti is always better on the second day! :wink: :)
    Yeah, it seems like holiday season is right around the corner and my kids have already been telling me their X-mas wish list! :lol: Have fun on your trip! It sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun! :party: I hope u're having a great weekend. :)
    Yes, I am on SD, too :) My username there is Joyce71. I have been really busy and was glad to get back here to my friends. :hugs: How are you doing? :)
    Very busy working- I snagged a big design job. How are you? Did you get in on the Allure Spa box today?
    Are you better yet?

    I received a few things the past 2 weeks.... a Kraft coupon booklet, Lego education kit and 4 magazines (Oprah, Womans Day, Soap Digest and Martha Stewart) and :woot:
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