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  • Merry Christmas, Glitter. Thanks for all your hard work you do here for us. I am sure :santaclaus: will leave you a huge :present:. :loving:
    Why, It is good to hear from someone not far from chicago. Merry Christmas to you and your Family. I hope you are holding up well in this weather we are having.
    :cheers::santaclaus::kiss: Merry Christmas! thanks for all the great posts and offers! all the best to you and your family!
    Wanted to stop by and Thank You for all the great items you come up with for all of us to enjoy, and to Wish you and yours the Very Best this Holiday Season has to offer!!! :)
    Thank You but this Thanksgiving my family was unable to get together due to school and work. We will make up for it at Christmas when we will all be together
    Hope your thanksgiving was great
    Wishing you and your family a very blessed Thanksgiving, glitter. Thank you for all you do for us! Apple :loving:
    My packers football game just ended with a much needed victory so I am also popping in and out
    Looks like it is just you and I here tonight, glitter! And actually it is just you as my Patriot's Sunday Night Football game is on so I am just popping in and out. :wave:
    No I am not good at that.I do like to see who made it for the week . I actually think it is great to tag the posters and let the members know they are doing a good job. I did get tag once. I was so excited. :blushing:
    Darn! I keep trying to rep you, but can't! :sad: It must be because I do a lot of thanks for your posts? :confused:
    Yep! I bet that's the reason it was removed. It's a deal site as well. I hope u're having a good weekend! :hugs:
    It was here, I don't know what happened to it. :noidea: I was trying to become a fan when it was up, but there was nothing on the Facebook page except to be added as a friend.
    Well, that makes me like you even more! :loving: You have a full-time job and still take the time to share and YOU do an awesome job! :clap: :hugs:
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