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  • I read quite a few summaries about the book and a really good column about "Time to go 'John Galt'"
    "I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine." --John Galt. An engineer too.....:convinced: I am thinking, Obama needs to ask "Who is John Galt?"
    Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!! :hug: You can bring your pig down now....it is safe....;)
    Hey Dan - Thanks for the post on the Russian's opinion of the future of the US financial crisis.
    Not a whole lot. I've been in 'go go go' mode lately. I'm glad I can slow down a bit. What's going on in your neck of the woods?
    You can't really see your avatar very well. Either way...don't change it yet. I'm going to put mine up tomorrow...well today.
    Wonder why it won't pulse, that would be way to cool! When I put up the autumn leaf, it wouldn't "flow" and it took me several times for it to blink. You know me Dan, I am lucky I even got anything up there! Okay tell me about the headache....sinus, migraine, cluster, tension, or food allergy related? Let me know if I can help, I have had coffee so I am firing off a few neurons! Have a great day, my best to the family.
    I cannot figure out how to put a picture in forum post. Do you know how to do it and can you share?
    Yes! That is it! There was a guy that used to call my husband that when he was little!
    love your new avatar.....but I cant think of his name? what is it again?
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