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  • You are so right!!! If only we had that option. :lol: Heck, it's winter and it is doing what it supposed to do.:smow: Have a great, snowy day! Apple :loving:
    How much :smow: depends on what TV station I am watching. Started with 6". Moved up to 6-10. Then 6-12. Then 8-14. I will chose 6"!!! :rofl:.
    Good morning! :tee: We are waiting for a BIG storm. Just a couple of flakes right now but expecting lots more. Are you covered in snow? :smow:
    Don't you have sometime off for the school hoilday around the 15th or 17th.
    You guys sre night owls I am not !! I am still looking at freebies.you guys have fun.:):loving:
    I am doing good. I know you are wondering why I am on now. Since my schedule changed. I get on at a differrent time. I was on 3am this morning. I like it . Its a little quieter for me. I as get back on mid day.
    :thumb:yes I did, took the blower up on the roof and got rid of the pineneedles and crap, then got a buttload of pinecones out of the lawn, hate those things they make dead spots in the grass...and a few things around the house also:)
    Its really nice out there..you can hear quail and pheasant callingand it can be so quiet your ears will ring because they are trying so hard to hear something when there is nothing to hear....its wierd but very nice...that is just one of around 30 lakes in that area:)
    Yeah, but its just making me tired...Like my new picture on my page???? That is the lake I fished on Saturday:)
    You are welcome:) We have had some very nice weather here and have been taking advantage of it to do a few things around the house and yard.:thumb:
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