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  • Hope you are having a good day. It :rainme: in Chicago this morning . Its a little cooler. I am still packing.:) I 'm almost finished.:yesnod: I hope you enjoy your Easter!!!:boogy:
    Packing, packing, packing!!!!! :nonod::unsure:I am getting my workout!!!:boogy:

    I move out April 20th!!!!:) I hope you are enjoying your day!!!:peace:
    Carlos is a really funny comedian, nothing is sacred with him and everybody is fair game with him......It's a good day, going to lunch with the sisters today, a day late bot o well :):whoo:
    :wavey: I cheated and stayed up to watch Carlos Mencia on the comedy channel, that guy cracks me up:rofl::pound:
    Hey sweetie when you get a chance check out the joke thread. You have some comments from your joke, you posted.
    :ciao::hugs:Hi Daisy I'm still packing!!! I need some cookies for strength!!! :faint2::drool5::pound:
    :wave: Hi daisy :teeth: I had a great time while I was away. :yesnod:

    It's getting harder and harder for me to get on here :nonod:

    I hope that you can manage to have fun without me here :rofl:

    :kiss: Thanks for stopping by :hugs:
    wow all that free time. What's a girl to do? :hmmmm::Banane57: Party of course!!! :pound: Have a good night. I will chat with you tomorrow hopefully. :goodnight: :hugs::seeya:
    Other than packing for my move? No,:nonod: How about you? :boogy: Have any plans with those beautiful girls of yours?:yesnod::heart::rose::rose:
    A 30 ish woman who has some problems . She can't solve on her own. She meets a therapist who helps her solve them by going back in time. It's kinda comical. I like it this is the second season of it. If you are interested you can check it out on soapnet.com.
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