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  • Hi Miss Daisy! How is your summer? I feel like being lazy whenever it's hot and humid, which is right now. I hate humidity with a passion. Hope you have a great 4th of July... :usa2::hugs:
    Hi sweetie, :boogy: I cannot go barefoot, the party is in her home. I will wear a skirt or shorts. Its going to be cooler today, low 70's.:) I can :dancing: a little . I've only really been able to walk.:yesnod: the kids are out for the summer. There are a few going to summer school. I am still working an early shift 3-12 or 1pm.:) A man stole a bus from our garage this past year. The police have not caught him yet. The company has put our garage on lockdown. Every door is accessed with a key. If you don't have a key you wont be able to get in.:rant: Hiking sounds like fun. :yesnod: Have a fun weekend.:peace:
    Hiya Daisy:) My ankle still hurts:sad: I can not wear heels. I tried and was in pain:mad:I am invited to a housewarming with a Luau Theme. Trying to figure out what you wear. I have a cool tee with pineapple and bananas on it is yellow. I have to figure out what to wear with it. Have you been bike riding with your girls? Or was it rollerskating? :thinking: Have any plans for the summer?:peace:
    Hi Daisy, I miss playing games with you also. I hope you are doing well. I took my dad out for dinner saturday night. He had a BBQ rib meal. He enjoyed himself. :yesnod::clap:
    The school kids are out for the summer. Some kids have summer school for 3weeks. How is work?:thinking::)
    Hi Daisy! I'm loving this Spring weather...I wish it would stay like this all Summer. How about you? How was your Mother's Day? I'm doing good...I have lots to do around here to keep me busy. Have a great week. (((HUGS)))
    Daisy why are you eating your toes? :smilielol5: Just kidding. I know it's a picture of one of your girls!!:)
    My ankle still bothers me sometimes. I am still wearing flats. I cannot wear heels.:cry::rant: I am on vacation next week. Going to visit Naperville for the weekend. Its a west suburb of chicago. Do you have any plans for Mothers Day? I ordered some flowers for my mom. I hope she likes them. They will be delivered on Thrusday. I think I am more excited about sending them than her recieving them. I know she will be surprised. I ordered two dozen roses.:)I hope you Mothers day is a blast!!!:peace:
    Hi Miss Daisy. I hope you and your family had a great Easter, too. Hope you're having a great Spring so far! :wavey:
    :target:Hiya Daisy!!! Good to hear from you!! My Easter was great!! How was yours?:) Chicago is getting so much rain. The sun came out just for 10 minutes then disappeared.:cry::rant: I hope all is well with you and the girls.:)
    Daisy, I know what you mean...time goes by too fast. When we were kids, it seemed like a year was forever, and we couldn't wait to be adults. I don't have plans for this weekend, but may go out to dinner Friday. I definitely have to work on my taxes. Anything planned for your weekend? Take care! :hugs:
    :angel:Hi Daisy, that is wondeful about the young man throwing the ball. :clap:To be a child again!:cry:The final 4 is tomorrow afternoon. I have my popcorn ready!! :yesnod: Chicago did not get any snow!!!:) It is raining alot today. i have a full day at Church. I am back on my schedule after being off for my ankle. No rest for the busy!!!:peace: Have a good weekend. Do you have plans with the girls?
    Hiya Daisy! I've been good. I have a lot of things keeping me busy, and I still have to deal with completing my income tax return :ack:. I'm never in the mood to do my tax return. When will your oldest daughter graduate school? Your kids' 8 weeks left of school is going to fly by. Are you planning any summer trips? Enjoy your weekend.
    :boogy:Hi Daisy!! No I have not been able to go to any clubs. I am still mending a sprain ankle. :sad: Anyway, I may just celebrate with my mom her birthday is the 21st. We may go out somewhere.:yesnod: I haven.t seen any movies lately. I have been watching the NCAA Championships. I love to watch the games all the top teams are gone. A lot of Cinderella teams. I am excited to see who will win.:yesnod::clap: We are suppose to get warmer weather. It has been in the high 40's with lots of sun.:yesnod:
    :):wavey::love: Hi Daisy!!! I will be 1yr moved out in April. April 20th to be exact. i have April 20th and the 21st. I will be celebrating. My moms birthday is also the 21st. I renewed my lease. I get to get my carpet cleaned free .:clap::yesnod: Do you have a vacation soon? :thinking: :noidea::peace:
    :love::dito:I miss talking with you too!!!:) I have not tasted oatmeal peanut butter. I am not much of a oatmeal fan.:yesnod: chocolate chip yum yum!!!:yesnod: :peace: Take care :hugs:
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