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  • I know what you mean, I usually don't get to use the coupons that I get in emails because of the timing. :hail: but your worked out perfect. :hug:
    :sad: You missed a fun time with the rep game. :tee:It was so much fun making new friends with old and new players. Thanks for stopping by with your condolences. :rip:
    Hi C-Mom! How was your Christmas and New Years? I read where you lost a pet....:hugs:...I am sorry. I know how hard that is. Pets touch a special place in our hearts that no humans can reach. I hope you feel better soon.
    Thanks Cybermom, always seems to happen when one is expected to perform at their 'peak'...:rolleyes:..hopefully, I didn't end up to be Typhoid Mary....;)
    Dawwwwwww...thank you so much. It is really good to be home, but boy am I dragging. Ain't as young as I use to be I fear. The experience was stellar, and, I soooooooo enjoyed the kids. Several broke my heart, little we could do to help. If I could have, I would have stuffed every one of them into my suitcase and smuggled them all home with me. I may be drained, but, believe me, I am far more humbled for the experience. How's your family? Everyone remaining healthy and happy? Jeb is thrilled to have me home, and, I now have a new shadow following me around. Off to bed, I am wiped out! Big hugs from us both to you and yours. Rags
    Another one I love....when Amber is getting lippy (usually on the funny side) I'll tell her "don't make me come down there"...since she is shorter than me. The way she is growing she's going to pass me up soon and I'm 5'10".:eek:
    I've got to use that as much as I
    Hi C-Mom! Havent heard from ya in awhile....leave me a ;)
    Okay...wake up in there and wave in my general direction! Jeb and I want to hear from you and learn how those beauties of yours are doing!! Nite nite hugs! Rags and Jeb Stuart
    Just stoppin by to say Hi.....havent seen any messages for me lately on other people's profiles....LOL !!!!! Just kiddin! Hope you have a great weekend!
    Hi Cybermom, thanks for the comment. I've had the same avatar since April. I thought it was time for a change. Whew, I'm too technologically changed for the cyberworld! Now I remember why I hadn't changed it in so long! LOL!
    I love your picture too!
    Hi cybermom! I hope all is well. FYI I just returned from vacation and will be going to NY next week for a conference. :cool:

    Thanks for the kind words about the pic. Even though they are both much bigger now :verysad: I still love that pic too.

    Have a great day!
    I actually read it the day after you posted it because I left a message for Butty. I just chuckled and thought "she must be having a crazy day" but I didnt want to bring it to your attention and embarrass you or something. It is a great message - thank you! Kesler is 5 months! He is growing like a weed and got his 1st tooth. It was good to get away, even though I missed them. You will be fine! :hug:
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