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  • too late... i wanted to know what time I hugged you the night before so I knew when I could hug again last night LOL
    :clap: I'm glad that the Patriot's won :cheer2:
    Madonna and I had a lot of fun this morning planning our visit. :teeth:
    I have a GPS, but no one had the address. :noidea:
    I'm glad everything turned out well today, I hope you will be able to :zzz: tonight.
    How did your brunch go today? :sorry: I couldn't find your house :sad:
    Thanks much for the friendship invite,I'm proud to accept it. Also didn't know that Thanks button worked that way,will have to keep that in mind.Have Fun

    Hubby and his buddy are going Monday and I swear they would pack the car now if I let them! They have season tickets but in recent years have usually skipped the night games so I was happy they had decided to go to the opener this year.

    I am hoping for a great year of football for our boys~will miss Bruschi, tho. I had a feeling when we didn't see him at Camp that something may be up. He already has job with ESPN so at least we can still enjoy him somewhere!!

    Have a delightful weekend~Susanne
    You don't have nuts! :eek: You might be a little nuts though :lol: j/k

    :sleep: :wave:
    :rofl: I just found this and had to share it, it doesn't really work that well for you though.

    I know, you are right................I need to be in bed :sleep:

    Sweet dreams little
    Don't laugh~I have my fluffy little socks on my freezing feet as I type!!

    I know it isn't that cold but it feels as if it is after all that easy-bake oven heat :teeth:

    Stay warm my friend!!
    I'm doing fine thanks, don't really have time to be here now. I hope your Niece won't miss school :sad: poor thing :bawling:
    How are you doing snapple?
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