Clear Plus is offering a $75 Uber Voucher if you sign up for their annual membership.
We don't believe Clear offers much value unless you travel a lot.
Supposedly, you can move faster through airport security nationwide in our designated CLEAR Lanes at TSA checkpoints.
This deal is only a good deal if you have a credit card that gives you Clear Plus for freeStep 1Go to Clear PlusStep 2You should see on the top "$189 plus you will receive a $75 Uber Voucher"
* If you do not, make sure to use code
SAVETIME75 during checkout
Step 3Limit one $75 Uber Voucher per customer. Must be applied at the time of sign up. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Available to new CLEAR Plus Members only. Uber Vouchers are valid until 9/19/24. Subject to change or cancellation.