Banana Republic Factory Athletic-Fit Dress Shirt for $13.99

Next best price on Google is $75

Posted on Jan 20th 2024
Banana Republic Factory Athletic-Fit Dress Shirt for $13.99
Sophia Davis
By Sophia Davis


Banana Republic Factory is offering the Men's Athletic-Fit Dress Shirt for the best deal.

Regular Price is $75

1. Go to Banana Republic Factory

2. Add a $34.97 shirt to your cart

3. Price will drop to $13.99

4. Free shipping with $50 purchase

Final Price is $13.99

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Guest #627 - 7 months ago
Athletic fit, LOL. Everything I've ever tried at Banana Republic is pinned in the back on mannequins and in online pics, you actually try them on and they're shaped like a bell to either accommodate a large belly, or make you look like you have one. I'll pass on this 'athletic fit'.
Guest #221 - 7 months ago
Only smalls and mediums
Guest #221 - 7 months ago
Nothing but mediums and smalls.