Your Input Without Personal Attacks

precocious said:
:claps: You did good!

BTW the little box in the upper right hand corner of the 'reply box' - the one with the ABC and the check - is the spell checker - but it's not always accurate..;)

I don't have that little box! I'm being oppressed by DaMan!

Absolutely...that's what I was referring to. Are the 'masses' and the 'lower tiered' being kept 'lower tiered'?

Yes, I think there is an effort to further separate the 'social classes' so that the wanna-be 'ruling class' will actually be needed.

There is a scifi short story somewhere called "March of the Morons". Try to find it and read it. I think it will ring true with much of what you see going on around you.

Another great book that would help educate the masses is "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. The problem is, you have to be able to think to get the message. It may be too late for many.
precocious said:
Absolutely...that's what I was referring to. Are the 'masses' and the 'lower tiered' being kept 'lower tiered'?

This is an excellent question!
I would like to add - is it done purposely? Do they think it would be a waste of time to teach properly? Thinking about it angers me. Everyone deserves an education - it is up to the parents (for the young ones) and then to each individual (as young adults) to decide what to do with it.
The term should be 'under-educated' not 'un-educated'. If you go to school, you are 'educated', if you are taught this curiculum, you will be 'under-educated', only if you have not gone to school, will you be un-educated.
or perhaps non-educated?

And would those who were forced to adopt an improper dialect be termed de-educated
Kadin'sMama said:
This is an excellent question!
I would like to add - is it done purposely? Do they think it would be a waste of time to teach properly?

My point...the 'ethnic make-up' in America is changing.....just look at the numbers.... Is this a way to keep the dwindling 'desired' in power? After all, education is power.....just a thought.

Who approves the curriculum:questionmark:
DanC said:
...There is a scifi short story somewhere called "March of the Morons". .....

That's what I feel like taking my family to the mall! LOL
I agree with everyone. This has been a trend that has been bothering me and my husband for quite some time. Although, this is the first I have heard of a school system adopting an obviously flawed method of English education. Society in general has fallen off the literacy bandwagon. Being casual in speech is fine at times. But there are times when you will need to speak properly and be able to respond in an intelligent manner. This type of curriculum (or rather non-curriculum) will damage so many kids. All of this makes me rather angry. Our country was based as a land of opportunity and the majority of those opportunities will be taken away from the children who will be given such little education.
you would think if they were so concerned with a childs self esteem they would want the child to be corrected. In my opinion if a kid is walking around speaking incorrectly and is oblivious to it, that being made fun of by thier peers would be harder on their self esteem than being corrected by a teacher or someone who was merely trying to help them with their grammar skills.
I saw a special on 20/20 calling " Dumbing Down America" and it was about our public school system. It made a interesting point about private school vouchers.
In other countries it's very common and schools are held to a higher standard because parents send their kids elsewhere if they are not happy. If America parents have no choice which public school their kids go to there's no standard to compete with. It's just like a business. I was never for private school vouchers but this made me rethink my views. :convinced:
Many of the new ideas behind the teaching of our children are suppoused to help their self esteem. When my sister was in first grade, her teacher told us NOT to tell her that she had misspelled a word, for fear of damaging her self esteem. So then, she continues to spell the words incorrectly, grows up spelling the words incorrectly, and enters the workplace spelling the words incorrectly, and is laughed at, chastised, or fired. This, apparently is better for her self esteem than telling her in first grade that her word is not spelled correctly. These children are not being prepared for the world by being coddled in school. One day, they will be expected to spell and speak correctly, or not be taken seriously and viewed as unintelligent. It seems as the "new" educational system is damaging our children. As far as they way some people speak, that is entirely up to them. It is up to us to teach them PROPER ENGLISH in our english classes, is it not? So next, will the math teachers be allowed to give full credit for 2+2=3, because "Thats what we view as correct."
sampler said:
you would think if they were so concerned with a childs self esteem they would want the child to be corrected. In my opinion if a kid is walking around speaking incorrectly and is oblivious to it, that being made fun of by thier peers would be harder on their self esteem than being corrected by a teacher or someone who was merely trying to help them with their grammar skills.
Even if it's the popular way to be? word? :rolleyes:
Boy, is Clubby gonna be surprised at how long this thread grew while she was out 'molding little skulls full of mush"
Amber's teachers this year and last both have told me not to correct her when she misspells something. They both think it would be stifling. I could not understand why they would say that. It's not like I would yell at her or ridicule her for spelling words incorrectly. That is a judgement call on my part as being her parent. If Amber has a word spelled wrong I tell her nice try but this is how you spell it. She's never once gotten upset that I did that.
As far as speaking correctly, I correct her immediately.
I think diversity is what makes the country and the world what it is. the true test should be their written knowledge base and not how grametically correct people are.
Way to go, Butty!

The bottom line is this, the responsibility for a child's education rests with the PARENT, not the State. If you send you child to ANY school, it is still your responsibility to see that they are being educated properly.
dehawk said:
I think diversity is what makes the country and the world what it is. the true test should be their written knowledge base and not how grametically correct people are.

If you can't speak properly, you probably can't write properly. If you can't communicate what you know, your knowledge is useless.

Diversity is a wonderful thing, but it should NEVER be an excuse for ignorance or misbehavior.
DanC said:
Way to go, Butty!

The bottom line is this, the responsibility for a child's education rests with the PARENT, not the State. If you send you child to ANY school, it is still your responsibility to see that they are being educated properly.
Are you mocking me? :convinced: :tongue:
I was just stating that I don't always listen to what the teachers think is best, educationaly for MY child.
I'm agreeing with you completely!!
I know it's a rare thing on Spoofee in recent days, but I'm not mocking you.

Or should I say "I'ss ain't shi**in' ya, bi**h!;) ;)

Please, no one get offended now!
DanC said:
I'm agreeing with you completely!!
I know it's a rare thing on Spoofee in recent days, but I'm not mocking you.

Or should I say "I'ss ain't shi**in' ya, bi**h!;) ;)

Please, no one get offended now!

I am soo off my mark today. :(