You know you are addicted to Spoofee when you start to look at your mail carrier and wonder if they are keeping all of the cool freebies you ordered, and, somehow have not received!
When you tell the husband "I don't feel like IT, I have a headache" Just to get 30 more mins on spoofee, heh heh
And your neighbors too, when a freebie doesn't show up! :rofl: :rofl:
You should know you're addicted if you've been a member for less than a month, but have already racked up over 400 posts.
This is not an attempt at meanness or personal attack, but is an expression of serious concern for that individual. I hope she seeks help.
I HOPE you aren't talking about meeee, HEY listen, I talk ALOT, don't be threatened by my big mouth, be glad you don't have to listen to it! :teeth:
You see you are at a certain post number and post REALLY daggone fast to make sure you don't keep that certain post number for very long because you don't like that certain post number, LOL (did it earlier today)
Well, could it have been maybe :evil: 666?
LOL, I guess that certain post number was highly top secret, now I have to keel you, LOL JUST KIDDING! :rofl:
You know you are addicted to spoofee when you actually pick on people you don't really know and enjoy it. please, don't keel me.:hail:
And you think of Joyce as someone you've known for a long time.she knows to highlight me all the time when I do this.
You know you are addicted to spoofee when you actually pick on people you don't really know and enjoy it.