Western Digital HD


New member
Dec 19, 2002
Reaction score
there is a deal at fry's retail stores and at frysoutpost.com...the 120gb 8 mb buffer cache is on sale at frys retail stores for 179.99 and there is a rebate for 50 bux+30 bux=99.99+tax...80 gb 8mb cache for 139.99-10 bux instant savings-40 bux rebate=89.99...these rebates must be postmarked from now until 12/26/02...enjoy
There is only one rebate listed for $30 but...

The description for the item says $80 in rebates, but only list one form for $30. Sounds like a good ole fashioned scam to me!!
That's why I posted that thread, it's a very good read, especially the last post explaining how it was resolved. Seems to me like Fry's was intentionally giving out the wrong rebate form so as to screw people out of the $50 rebate, and when that happens, we both know only a small percent will know who to call, what to do, or what buttons to push to get their rebate. Whilst the rest will just roll over and take it, maybe even forget they had this money coming to them at all.
like i said the 120 gb hd is only at the store.....when i say retail store, it means u have to physically go there
It amazes me that Fry’s is able to organize these scams so well. My experience is that you can call week after week and talk to a dozen people who give you perfectly consistent stories. And eventually you realize that they all must have known better.
BTW- I’ve been screwed out exactly two rebates. Both were from Fry’s.
in the past ive been screwed over by rebates, but what ive learned is that u must contact the manufacturer...there is a link on western digital's website that has a tracking # for the rebate...on the other hand if u do not get a reply, i would speak directly to consumer affairs to get it resolved...
In the future Andy, if you have rebate troubles, pipe up here or wherever with details, the resolution may well be easier than you think. There are ways to play the game and win :D

Unless yer rebate is thru TCA. Nuts. Baseball Bat. Apply liberally. Same result with much less time wasted.
Agreed- rebates are a BEAR

Seems like a lot of companies are like the one you mentioned. I just had one returned for "postmarked too late". Yeah right I mailed it at the PO like 2 days early. Since they don't answer the phones at the call center its impossible to dispute.

Statistically though, if they deny every rebate, they come out ahead because a portion of the denials won't dispute it, If they continue to deny/delay then they'll get an even larger portion. It's a profitable strategy.

Also, there seems to be little a consumer can do- when is the last time you heard of a rebate center getting busted? Never of course. They're under the radar- focus is on slammers and celluar rip-offs which are highly visable.

So what can you do? The Spoofee shoppers here seem to have a good historical basis on which to base a purchase- they know who do and do not issue rebate cheques, and how fast. So ask!

Keeping records is of course importantl. I scan every submission, and write the date I sent it in on the paperwork. Of course with many companies that's worthless since they don't even answer their phones.

Lastly, be willing to put up a fight. Recently with Microsoft Asheron's Call rebate they rebated me $10 instead of the $20 offered. It took like 6 calls to the rebate center but I finally got the other $10. Of course 6 calls on my hourly rate was worth a lot more than $10, but in the interest of fairness I wasn't going to let them get away with it. I asked for renumeration for the hassle but of course being Mickysoft, they would not hear of it. The Gates Castle wasn't built on consumer service.

Bottom line for me is now, knowing the hassles and rip-offs in rebate land, I look first for non-rebate deals, even if they are a little more expensive. I think my success rate with legitmate rebate submissions is about 75%, so take that risk into account when making a rebate purchase.

My 2 cents..
