I just received this e-mail. Took the survey, but don't think they will be contacting me. Maybe someone else would like to try:
Dear Vogue Insider,
We need your help. Vogue wants to know what you think about the magazine. We’re inviting you to participate in an online discussion group all about you, your habits, your lifestyle and how Vogue fits into it.
This Friday, August 21, Vogue will be hosting online discussion groups. They are information-gathering sessions only. We are not selling anything and all responses will be kept completely confidential. Every qualified participant will receive $50 and a special gift from Vogue.
If you are interested in participating, please click here to take the survey to see if you qualify for the online discussion groups or copy and paste into your web browser to take the brief survey:
Ut Oh! Don't think this link will work for anyone else--but maybe you could check your e-mails or try logging on to their site.