Video - Worst Band Ever?

Yeah. Bad link or website or something.

Could someone at least say what the band and song name is so we can at least look it up?
For some reason the link doesn't work for me. From all the comments I feel blessed.
spazntwitch got me the right link (so much for my earlier fortune).

I believe that the "problem" is that you could hear the "singer". I would more suspect they had the worst sound=system ever. Way under-amped and outdoors. There are numerous bands with singers that can't sing (best represented by "scream-o") but they hide behind the loud, uncreative and pounding drums and other instruments that are poorly played or even played well but too loud to really discern.
It does sound like fez, except fez is unique. :P
Perhaps if fez was part asian..

Wow, what closed mindedness does to you... never thought it would be THAT bad..

:yesnod: :rockon: :yesnod: :rockon: :yesnod: :rockon: