Vera Wang Princess fragrance sample

Rcvd it today in a card with a little sample which you peel off. Smells good.

Thank you.
receive the sample, smells good. Thanks :)
got mines yesterday saw this on magazine too
got on this kinda late-hope i'm in time!
Thanks, Fallen...
If you have a Macy's or Sephora near you, they usually have the sample in a little bottle.
Got my sample Friday....Postcard with peel off packet. Smells wonderful!!!
V. Wang Sample

Merci for the post---it is always lovely to get fragrance.
Thank you for requesting a sample of Vera Wang Princess. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of your free sample
Thanks C.O.! I'm looking forward to trying this one.
Thanks, Curious! I love scents by Vera Wang. :wave: