Tide to Go - MyTalkingStain.com ~ 1,000 prizes daily

Thanks, spaz! I didn't win, but will keep trying. :wave:
Thanks ,spaz.I didn't win either.
NO win today. Maybe tomorrow. Thanks!
Big loser here, too! Thanks for the post!
dontunderstand this site

can some one out there help me . ont understand how this works . THANK YOU
Thank you for posting this! First time entering. Won a coupon at 4:08 PM CST.
I've tried for 4 days now, but nothing yet - I'll keep on a tryin'! My talking stain is starting to control my thoughts....????
i just got one tonight....you dont have to do an add though...i havent yet i just skipped the steps
I just won a Tide sample...thanks this was my second time playing...
Woohoo! the other day I won a coupon and I just won a shirt! :teeth:
yall bunch of WINNERS, I am jealous!! I have played every day since this hit spoofee and NUTHIN, baaaaaaaaaaaa, congrats yall! LOL
My mom just won a tide to-go pen. Maybe she will trade me for the t-shirt :)