Targus Tornado Chill Mat for $9.99 Shipped After Rebate

How about getting it for free? $ -3.29 after PM - YMMV

The same item is available at Walmart for $18.82. So, on a pricematch with Walmart (if that is accepted by the sales folk at Circuit City), you could get the a further discount of 110% of the difference. Considering that you get both the rebates and the price match, you could have the Chill mat with 3 dollars in your pocket!

As with other PMs:
- your milage may vary (YMMV)
- when you purchase the product, do not ask for the price match
- ask for the price match on a later date - even after a week, since Walmart prices usually stay constant, although there are other risks then ...
- take only the purchase receipt with you, the receipt does not show the rebate

Product#: PA248U
Got this at CC...not worth $30. Thank goodness it's $9.99!
1 Rebate from CC, and 1 Rebate from the manufacturer.
So not bad for $9.99 to see and try out. There's a 1 year warranty, so if it
breaks, you can always get it replaced.

I recommend it at this price, but not $30...skip it if it's not on sale.
I'm with timmy_sp... in fact, I'm kind of wondering whether it's worth $10.

It's strange - I thought the dual fans would pull the air away from the laptop and expell the hot air out the sides of the mat. Instead, it is blowing air onto the bottom of the laptop.

I've had it on for about ten minutes now and, contrary to what several reviews on circuitcity.com had to say, my computer's fan has still kicked in twice at low speed.

On the positive side, the fans on the Chill Mat are unnoticeably quiet. If I stick my hands on either side of the laptop, I can feel the fan's breeze doing its job.