Staples Computers Laptop Clearance HP ZE4101 $340AR, Compaq


Silver Member
Aug 30, 2002
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Staples Computers Laptop Clearance HP ZE4101 $340AR, Compaq

Staples is clearancing laptops and computers. The manager at my staples told me that they will no longer carry any prebuilt laptops and computers. Some deals are

HP ZE4101 clearanced at $599.99. It has a $150 rebate from Staples and $100 from HP.

Compaq 910US is clearanced at $779.50. It has a $150 rebate from Staples and $100 from compaq. I know that Butte Montana has this laptop. Stock is just 1.

Hurry in. If you find one now consider yourself lucky. This deal has been going on for 2 days in FW. And we all know FW effect.

What a deal, if you can get it. Anyone having any luck? None at all within Indiana. :-(
I got the compaq 910US. My friendly staples manager had the Save the Sale program applied and got it shipped from Montana. None in Oregon. The 4101s are just gone.
I just purchased the Compaq 910US. The HP 4101's are gone from the Central-Southern NJ area, but the Freehold, NJ store has a few of the 910US's left. They even let me use an internet-only coupon for $50 off of $200+, so I'm going to end up at $480 AR. The check-out clerk kept saying, "Are you sure about this? he doesn't even have the actual coupon", but the store manager wanted to move product, so he took the $50 off.