iowapilot said:
Thank you.
He/she is just trying to justify the idiocy. And by the way, people didn't go around buying up all of the hot items for Christmas before the advent of the internet and eBay, so take that supply/demand BS and stick it in your ear.
I'm not going to stick anything anywhere. Complain to the people who are paying over $100 for these, not me for trying to take advantage of the economic system and people who are willing to pay through the nose for something.
Once again, a two year old isn't old enough to understand the disappointment of not getting TMX Elmo for the holidays. You could get them a regular old non-laughing stuffed plush Elmo for $10 and they would be just as happy.
And if they're older than 2 and are dying to have one, it wouldn't be the end of the world for them to start learning that just because you beg to get something doesn't mean you can always have it. Tell them the cold hard truth that since so many people want one, that not everyone can have one, and ask them some other things they might like instead. Yes, this can be a trying thing for both the parent and the child - nobody wants to see their child disappointed, but they will get over it.
I'm just outraged that you could blame
me for the fact that you can't find any of these things. Blame the dirty corporations that charge $40 for $10 worth of cloth and electronics, then purposely withhold hundreds of them in their store room to release a bit at a time so that people feel desperate to buy them up when they can. The reality is that this is a sly marketing scheme to purposely control the supply of a product so as to create artificial demand, and it's sharp-tongued parents like you that are driving the demand, not me. They could produce and release way more of these than they do, but then people wouldn't rush to the stores to buy them. That's the real crime here.
And to those who others who say "it's not the only thing they're going to get" and things like that: believe me, my harsh words are not directed at you at all. If you want to get an Elmo for your child, that's not a bad thing. I'm sure they would enjoy it, and I'm sure you plan on buying them other things that they can learn from as well as have fun with. What bugs me is this attitude that I'm doing something immoral as though I'm depriving your child of something they desperately need. It's a toy. A TOY. I had to learn at a young age that you don't always get everything you want, and I'm much more appreciative today of the things that I
do have.
And you never answered my questions... Does your 2 year old even recognize Elmo? Did he or she ask
specifically for TMX? Once again, I'll bet that your child wouldn't even know the difference if he/she didn't get TMX for the holidays, and they'd be just as entertained with a regular old stuffed Elmo - and could potentially develop more creativity by "playing" and using their imagination with something that doesn't sit there and giggle.
And again, I'm not saying that it's "dumb" to get TMX Elmo for a child. Not in the least. But when you take it so far as to get upset at someone like me who was only hoping to buy some online to sell to parents with children so spoiled they'll pay over $100 for a giggling stuffed animal, that's ridiculous.
I could just sit on my ass, not work and collect welfare and take your tax dollars right out of your pocket. You'd think I was taking the toy right out of your child's hands.
I'm very confident in my character and morality. Luckily I'm intelligent and beyond the age where name calling affects me. But with your sharp tongue iowapilot, just be careful who you angrily lash out at with name calling because you might run into someone who either won't take it, or someone younger and more sensitive than me will be truly hurt by something you say... It may even be your child one day who is the victim of the very same attitude you're displaying towards me, and something tells me you wouldn't like it.