Rep game Closed. - The Sequel

:marchmellow: Got who I could :unsure:

This post has not received any reputation. You currently have 65222149 reputation point(s).
Quite a few randoms, but got in another 10 spot:woot:......Happy Hunting :flybye:
65170717 gone but not forgotten i hope
10 :wave:.........................................................................:smiley:
I was here and spread 10 random hugs:)
:ciao:XXXXX:ciao:XXXXX :ciao:

10! 8 regulars and 2 oldie but goodies from this thread!
:ciao:XXXXX :ciao:XXXXX:ciao:XXXXX :ciao:

need to whine a bit... sorry...
i am getting tired of clicking on the rep star over and over again before i get confirmation that i can hug!
I try to write you all little messages with my hugs and can't do that anymore.
Mz. . P i am not sure if you even got my hug...i had to nuke my note to you and start over 3 times. grrrrr!
this isn't as much fun any more!


10! 8 regulars and 2 oldie but goodies from this thread!
:ciao:XXXXX :ciao:XXXXX:ciao:XXXXX :ciao:

need to whine a bit... sorry...
i am getting tired of clicking on the rep star over and over again before i get confirmation that i can hug!
I try to write you all little messages with my hugs and can't do that anymore.
Mz. . P i am not sure if you even got my hug...i had to nuke my note to you and start over 3 times. grrrrr!
this isn't as much fun any more!

:faint: It seems we've had the same problems.

:cry: I'm not always sure that the :hugs: went through. :rant:
:jaw::eek: You have 69597773 Reputation point(s). :jaw::eek:
holy cow!