Rep game Closed. - The Sequel

holy smokes! Your grandson is sturdy! AND TALL!!! My daughter is only 38 inches and 32 pounds and she just turned 4! You've got yourself a future sports star!! :clap:

big and beefy is what i say.
63085060 fess up time again i am gong to get l of you guys to fess up eventually.
Here's mine smidge..... 16213848. I can't hold a candle to all of you seasoned pros on here. :)
I'm at 60,302,298....Thanks TAZMAN for the 60 MILLION PUSH :woot::party::whoo::cheers:
Hey Christina! I have someone you can slap. How's about slappin' that girl with the large rim red glasses and the notebook computer in that ad on my post!!???!!