Rep game Closed. - The Sequel

:sad: I couldn't finish my :hugs:

It seems that half of them I could leave a message, but not get it to close and finalize.

:cry: I regret to let you know, but I don't have time to play this game anymore. It's hard enough to find people to get, yet when I roam around I can't get $hit done.

This seems to be a reoccurring event, and it has exhausted my patience.
:hail: thank you all, it was fun while it was fun.


:sad::faint:Its a sad day:faint::sad:
:sad: I couldn't finish my :hugs:

It seems that half of them I could leave a message, but not get it to close and finalize.

:cry: I regret to let you know, but I don't have time to play this game anymore. It's hard enough to find people to get, yet when I roam around I can't get $hit done.

This seems to be a reoccurring event, and it has exhausted my patience.
:hail: thank you all, it was fun while it was fun.


What has the world come to? Is there hope? love? hugs?
:sad: I couldn't finish my :hugs:

It seems that half of them I could leave a message, but not get it to close and finalize.

:cry: I regret to let you know, but I don't have time to play this game anymore. It's hard enough to find people to get, yet when I roam around I can't get $hit done.

This seems to be a reoccurring event, and it has exhausted my patience.
:hail: thank you all, it was fun while it was fun.

D:willy: if I recall correctly you started this game WAY back when it took us FOREVER to break the 1,000,000 mark! Now a million or 2 a day is nothing! I will still be hugging you:) I do not have as much time to spend here as I use to but I cherish all the friends I have met here and hope to keep making more:)
58875524 finally figured out how to figure out how to see my reps as someone said before just click on settings and there they are all of them.
This is an example of the B.S. I have to go through to send a :hugs:

Once I can get it opened, I can't get it to go through :thefinger:


:cry::cry: What happened to rhon:questionmark:

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This is an example of the B.S. I have to go through to send a :hugs:

Once I can get it opened, I can't get it to go through :thefinger:


:cry::cry: What happened to rhon:questionmark:

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do we need a hug i tried but the mods/gods said otherwise. i still love you!!!!!!!!
parker says happy valentines day to everyone (he would if he could say it) he is at disneyland with his mom today at least the weather is nice for it hard to believe it he will be 18 mos. old on tuesday along with madonnas grandbaby too!!! thanks taz for pushing me over the edge one more time. 60077014

I hope everyone had a great day filled with lots of love! :heart: :hugs:
Well I don't usually hit this thread, but I've been reading around here and there and you alll really seem to need some "hugs" I'm about to attempt to hugs as many of you as I can. And Happy Valentines Day...a day late :)
Well I don't usually hit this thread, but I've been reading around here and there and you alll really seem to need some "hugs" I'm about to attempt to hugs as many of you as I can. And Happy Valentines Day...a day late :)
aaaaaw thanks! :loving:we love hugs and love to share them!:heart::hugs::hugs: please come back soon!
ok girls and boys time to fess up again 60148398 parker says thanks again. got 9 of you this am. have a great non mail day. toodles