Post all your POGO.COM links for tokens and trials here

*BUMPING MY QUESTION* (Sorry for being a pain :tongue:)

You have to be a paid member of and these are used as "money" on Pogo to gamble with or buy different things to outfit your avatar you created. Really nothing too spectacular though. ;)
Pogo is a website: for playing games you can be a free member or a paid member. Either way you gain tokens, but you have to be a paid member to redeem them. Hope that helps.
thanks worked for me too:bigok:
thanks i signed up for an account and i got 5000 to start and then got the 2500 bonus points too! great find!
Pogo is a website: for playing games you can be a free member or a paid member. Either way you gain tokens, but you have to be a paid member to redeem them. Hope that helps.

This is true. However, paying Pogo members can send 5-free day passes to folks who might like to try it out. If you'd like to give it a try, send me a PM with your email addy and I'll get it set up.

thanks for the posts about the other free tokens on all the pages. now that i just read through all the pages i have over 400,000 tokens! YEA!!!!

This is true. However, paying Pogo members can send 5-free day passes to folks who might like to try it out. If you'd like to give it a try, send me a PM with your email addy and I'll get it set up.


I also have 5 day passes if anyone wants one. Let me know.:bigok: :wave:
thanks! sometimes it works and sometimes not but if it does it is a freebie!
i love pogo, but cant afford the membership with all the other bills. things just seem to tight, wife lives for poppit. she is a major addict.
well i got some free passes just im me on yahoo and i can send u one for club pogo 5 day pass free
same goes for me i have then but noone to send them to my yahoo id is jessejamesmama
wow, i wasn't sure to trust these credits but now i have over 20,000,000 tokens...sweet!
mortiki Member Since Aug 13, 2002
What, Me worried?
Edit My Mini

20,025,468 Tokens No new messages
Thank you! I hadn't checked their site in a while and forgot about this page.