Ponds Anti-Wrinkle Cream (en español)

Sorry, I'm pretty sure this is a repost. It looks familiar and after I submitted I got a message that said I had already requested a sample. Thanks anyway
That was for the wrinkle cream ..don't know if it was the same post...thanks again...said I already received one so am assuming it was from ellie doom!
I got this message, but I never received any samples:
Lo sentimos,
ya has registrado.
I'm guessing this means I've already registered.
I got a sample today of Ponds Rejuveness and a $1.50 coupon. There may be another thread (under Pasa La Belleza) because that was the return address info. Seems to me I remember a thread with four or five different samples on it. Well, I guess this is the right thread because there are four offers available--two Dove, a Degree and the Ponds. Thanks, all.
I got my sample yesterday. Now wrinkles, take that!!
Offer is up again with what I think is a new link... came email.

Pond's Rejuveness sample & coupon.

Robo form fills in most..


robo form will not fill in
estado civil .. no responder/prefer not to answer...solatera/single.. vivo con.. /living w/ parents.. divorciada/ divorced,separated,etc... casada/married

quantas veces../ how often purchase ponds products listed.
cual de..siguientes/skin type
Cuál es tu fuente../ how do you prefer to get site information
Dónde compras ../ where do you usually purchase pond's..

Sorry my spanish is P poor.. this is as close as I could figure.