Marlboro Snus Challenge - 2/14/11

I received this in the mail today
Take the Marlboro Snus Challenge 8 Weeks 40 Questions Thousands of prizes and a chance to win....1 of 200 trips to the Marlboro Ranch
I received this in the mail today

Take the Marlboro Snus Challenge
8 Weeks 40 Questions
Thousands of prizes and a chance to win......
1 of 200 trips to the Marlboro Ranch
I have not recouped from the Out Wit the West contest!! I'll give it my best though!

Can you tell I am psyched and ready for a showdown?
Wondering if it's 5 questions per week so you have time to research? or if it's 1 question a day during the week for 40 days?????????????? hmmmmmmmmmm hope it's 5 per week so we can research and help each other out! I WANT A TRIP TO THE RANCH!! afterall I'm NOT getting any younger!!!LOL!
I haven't received a e-mail from them on this contest and nothing showing up on there pages except for the date it starts. So thanks for posting this. I can't wait to see the prizes so excited.
I didnt get the email either... Do you think it will be teams again or are we on our own.....
so are we all gong to help each other like true spoofees? that way we can help each other get the best prizes... still waiting on my puter.
According to a mod on another board who called & inquired about this, they posted:

It's 40 questions, 8 weeks, no teams- individuals only, 1 question per day, correct answer will be given for previous question after it's finished, no point scores to redeem but correct answers get you entries into a sweeps for 1000's of prizes picked at random, top picks are for 200 Marlboro Ranch trips.

Guess we'll see...I'd be REALLY bummed if after completeing the 8 weeks I didn't win anything, but we'll see what the rules of it will be.
Bump. Bump Bump~ It registration starts tonight at 1201am...don't know if it's the registration only or the actual challenge so good luck all !
Anyone else having problems? I go there I can click on the Marlboro Snus Challenge but all I get is a big black box nothing else!
thats all I get too my friend :( tried in FF and IE