LuckyLookout Freebies April 8th 10 AM EST

thanks Assia.... I hope I got something, but won't know til I get home from work.
I also got a pair of the smoky quartz earrings - cool! Thanks!
I was snooping around and found this one also :claps:

Rules= 4/8/08, at 10:00AM ET. One entry per person, household and/or e-mail address. If you are one of the first 50 people to reply, you will receive a pair of smoky quartz earrings by Sheila Fajl (ARV $ 80.00).

I don't believe it! I got in on this one and I had a blank page when I entered.
Not my style I might trade them or give them away.

Got the smokey quartz earrings and the lucite earrings! Both really nice. I'll wear them.:druel:
Wow Gigi- both! Very impressive oh Allure Godess!!! LOL I am amazed at your quick fingered response time!!! I can't seem to transmit anything on time for these, even though I'm ready to go the minute they come up! Any idea why?
The only thing I can think of for this one was I had the forms up and just kept submitting and then going back, submitting and going back. I kept doing that until it opened and submitted. Mind you I'm kind of obsessive!LOL
girls, listen up! The first 50 readers to sign up to win below will receive a pair of embellished earphones ($45 value)

I got the embellished earphones in the mail today. My old pair was just broken. Yeepee!!! I don't need to buy one now!! :teeth:
I was sure I had won the smokey quartz earrings...since I didn't get a sorry message when I entered. Nothing in the mail yet though. Must be a mirage like the Marie Claire box I thought I had won also based on the time I entered. oh well. :(
I got the embellished earphones in the mail today!!!:music::)
i got 100$ today from Lucky mag.:)But dont know when and where i sign?Maybe it for survey?