How do I turn a sunburn into a suntan?

Just have a :cocktail: and deal with it :rofl:
OK, I went to the beach on Sunday, supposedly in the middle of a tropical storm, and got a fairly nice sunburn. It's my opportunity to escape from farmer's tan he11. What do I need to do to help this turn into a tan instead of peeling away?

:focus: Apply generous amounts of duct tape to the pink areas.

:rofl: Good one preco.....................LOL

I got the joke:)
OK I only read page 1 and if anyone wrote this on page 2 sorry.

First off, if you're burnt, you're burnt. The best you can hope for is a quick peel. Sunburn kills the skin and there's no way to "resurect" it. Lotion will help it look better, but it's not going to stop the peel. Aloe is best if you get it on there liberally and right away, but still-you're probably going to peel. If you start to peel and want to get it over with quickly...

Cover the burn with vasaline and soak in warm water. Be very careful in the shower/tub- you don't need a concusion too. Then washcloth or loofa-then lotion.

Noxema is the best thing I've ever used on a sunburn. (Also good for bug bites). I read the Listerine thing and I think that's crazy. Sounds like the time we told my Uncle to swill Scotch for a bad tooth. Ever seen the movie "The Mask"? That's what his face looked like.

Someone mentioned now is the time to use a self-tanner to get color. If you care about the color of you skin, then yes. I use self-tanner's all the time. BUT-THIS IS IMPORTANT- A tan from a self-tanning lotion is not protection from burning like a real tan would be!!! You may feel like you're brown and won't burn-but you will.
Thanks for the advice and humor. It's turning brown, with massive doses of lotion.It wasn't a bad burn, nothing like others I've had.