HOT! 256MB PC2100 DDR + 100 CDR +Stuff for only $15! or FREE


Gold Member
Mar 7, 2003
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HOT! 256MB PC2100 DDR + 100 CDR +Stuff for only $15! or FREE

1. Click on
2. Search for Item 20149867 (memory) & add to cart
3. Search for Item 20068800 (CDRs) & add to cart
4. Add other items you desire to reach $100
5. Total= $100 - $20RB (memory 4/19) - another $20RB (memory EXP 5/03) - $20RB (CDRs EXP 4/20) - $25 coupon = $15 shipped free! 8)

By Choochoojr--Link Fixed
If you dont want to use the $25 coupon, you can just add (2) and (3) to get free shipping and AR, the memory and CDRs will be free!
Keep in mind. k-byte memory (this one) doesnt work with AMD systems
MidnightSire said:
they ask for "Promo Code" and i dont know what the hack it that?? :(

thats if you have a coupon. If you click on my officeMax link, you will automatically get the $25 coupon.
Slman, what do you mean THIS ONE won't work with amd systems ?????
Not compatable at all??????
slman said:
Keep in mind. k-byte memory (this one) doesnt work with AMD systems

hmm you mean Intel? heh.. i never heard such joke taht this dd-r not compatible with Amd.
slman said:
Keep in mind. k-byte memory (this one) doesnt work with AMD systems

Sounds like either slman bought into the Intel FUD machine or bought Intel stock. :rolleyes: