Gotta See This Guy Juggle!

big daddy said:
:secret: They like bringing their ukuleles to dinner with them. :secret: :34:
Nice picture Wade! LOL
big daddy said:
You two almost look like brothers or uncle and nephew. :zip:

Wade should have brought spazntwitch a guitar for the picture. :)

Are you sure your not related? :tongue:
McGov - Now that I couldn't watch more than 5 seconds, actually, I was a bit afraid to go to it when I saw the word at the end!!!! ;)

We should start an "unbelievable videos you have to see" thread!
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precocious said:

In my 'single days', I knew this guy. What an great entertainer! Nice guy too! We'd go 'club hopping' and hang out together...:) He used to stay at my friends home when ever he was in town. Fun times! :clown:

He looks like Teller from Penn & Teller. Plus he can't even center his name on his website. :confused:

I expected more from you, preco. ;) ;) ;)
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