Freebie sites

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:pi've had my ups and downs on here but I mostly brought it on myself, I have been to other sites but keep coming back to spoofee it is the best site so far. I just need to learn to keep my thoughts to myself because some people tend to jump the gun sometimes lol oh well had my say now back to finding more freebies on spoofee!!!!!

Don't keep your thoughts to yourself - share. It's one of the freebie things you can do on Spoofee. We will all become famous soon enough.

(I still don't get this reputation thing - who cares?)
:pi've had my ups and downs on here but I mostly brought it on myself, I have been to other sites but keep coming back to spoofee it is the best site so far. I just need to learn to keep my thoughts to myself because some people tend to jump the gun sometimes lol oh well had my say now back to finding more freebies on spoofee!!!!!

I would have to agree w/ Jerry. Don't keep things to yourself.
Feel free to say whatever you want. If it upsets somebody (no doubt someone will get offended) it upsets somebody.
If it's going to cause you personal anguish, well....I'd think twice about posting it.
Don't worry about the people who easily jump the gun.
Don't keep your thoughts to yourself - share. It's one of the freebie things you can do on Spoofee. We will all become famous soon enough.

(I still don't get this reputation thing - who cares?)

Oh Jerry, we all know about YOUR REPUTATION!! LOL Way to much stuff on here for me to figure out. Thankfully some very kind ladies have "walked me through" the additions. Reputation points, social groups, friend invitations, thank you buttons....I am afraid I don't navigate it, and, in the end, I could give an owl's hoot. I will say it again, I am thankful to all who post here, I am friendly to whoever, and, we all know that my reputation here vascilates between love and hate! ROTFLMAO Spoofee I think saves a lot of folks some money, especially with food coupons etc. (me for lotions and potions for traveling) and if people would not jump on other people's cases for expressing their opinions, then perhaps more folks would be willing to post threads. In the end Spoofee has something for everyone to find, if they choose to participate great, if not and they find something to help cut their costs on things, that should be okay too. :)

Nah, don't keep your thoughts to yourself. If you do, then you won't give folks here something to fight over! LOL And this bunch loves a good bar brawl!!! LOLLOLLOLLOL That is why the "Rude Button" apparently came into existence....saves time typing!!LOL
That is why the "Rude Button" apparently came into existence....saves time typing!!LOL

Now I'm missing something else! What's the "Rude Button"?????? :worry: Sounds like something I can do to blow people out of the water (so to speak).;)
[Nah, don't keep your thoughts to yourself. If you do, then you won't give folks here something to fight over! LOL And this bunch loves a good bar brawl!!! LOLLOLLOLLOL

I was soooo hoping this thread would died a quick death after the initial reaction it got. :)
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