Free T-Shirt, Postcards & More from Earthseeds--Email

I hope I'm not too late. I debate about wether I want to send for stuff and by the time I make a decision they're out. Time will tell. TYVM
Earth seeds ambassador

Just got this in the mail on friday, didnt see it posted but maybe somebody would be interested in this

How To Get Started:

If you would like to serve as a volunteer EarthSeeds Ambassador, please contact us at [email protected]. We'll send you a sample EarthSeeds Curriculum, 3 inflatable globes, 100 Earth postcards, some Earth stickers and other written info - plus an EarthSeeds T-shirt.

Let us know if additional members join your team and we'll send them a T-shirt and postcards as well.
wow, now that I read through all this , I realize I sent for this long ago and nothing ever came. Guessing it won't this time either
I never recv'd this either. Sounded like a great pkg. Wonder if they were overwhelmed.