Free Sani-Hands Kids Hand Wipes from Cora & Cory

Thank you for the post goldfish!That was funny call!
Thanks so much for posting this, Joyce! Called them and they said my sample is on it's way!
Offer may have expired Now there is no place to request sample but there's a toll free phone # to request a sample.

Call: 1-877-SANIKID

Just got my sample today, 2 wipes (individually packaged) and a $1 off coupon woohooo :dancing: more junk to put in the diaper bag!! :rofl:
Just got my sample today, 2 wipes (individually packaged) and a $1 off coupon woohooo :dancing: more junk to put in the diaper bag!! :rofl:

LOL I got 4 of these yesterday each one came w/ 2 wipes(don't know how I got more than 1 but I won't complain)! More stuff to clutter my diaper bag also!! LOL LOL
Received my TWO wipes and coupon today! Thanks.
thanks for post called the number and it was an automated questionnaire that was easy :claps:
Got my samples today!Thanks Joyce!
Sani- Kids

To recive your free sample of Sani-Kids instant hand sanitizing wipes call automated #877-sani-kids (877-726-4543) very cute phone message.