Free Dove Go Fresh Deodorant + Shampoo & Conditioner

yay thanks are these in stores yet this is the only brand i use. and they have more samples on the site if any of you havent requested them yet heres the link

oh yea and there are a bunch of coupons in todays paper it was in my red plum section of coupons
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All I get is a blank blue page, I tried using I.E. & AOL. :noidea: I'll try again later, thanks! :)

I just got it to work for me, it was hard to decide which deodorant sample I wanted to try! :bigok:
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worked for me and I ordered the grapefruit. Hmmm grapefruit scentid pits......
worked for me and I ordered the grapefruit. Hmmm grapefruit scentid pits......

LOL LOL Well I'm going to have cucumber scented pits! LOL Thanks for the great post, Ellie! :claps:
Thank you! I love dove products, and i did check the free shampoo and conditioner also! I had no problem, just answered a few questions!! Thanks again!
Thanks, Ellie! I'm never going to have to buy deodorant or shampoo for the rest of my life if they keep having these offers.
Thanks for the post Ellie, the link worked fine for me.