Free Annual Credit Reports

Beware of any other site offering annual credit reports. They take all your info for your "free report" then inform you that the report is free, but there is a $9.95 (for example) fee for a processing fee.

Good point! Your credit reports are free & you should not have to pay for them.
Bumping for a good cause

Check your credit for any signs of idenetity theft
I have used this in the past., as ironic as it is I found out that any open line of credit, even if your not using it counts against you. We were told that by closing some old accounts that our payments would be lower on a loan we were taking out. (MAKES NO SENSE) We used this to find old accounts that we havn't used in ages, so that we could close them, and got those payments lowered! It really comes in handy!
Bumping for those who do not know about this :lol: