(Fixed) Spoofee is running very slow

I agree-it is very frustrating and I haven't been really haven't been on the site very much lately and I LOVE this site. I end up walking away while the pages change.
The fancier the plumbing - the easier it is to gum up the works.

What do you think of your "new smilies" now?

You think the Spoofee server can handle all the new action smilies???

Don't you all remember this s l o w d o w n happened the last time Spoofee changed the smilies (my favorites list never did recover)?

I have had trouble getting into the forums for several months its just getting worse all the time.
I do not believe its the smiles but if it is then get rid of them. I am or have been an active member of Spoofee but I can not be active if I can not get into the forums.
I do not have trouble getting into forums on other sites that have all the bells and whistles so what is up??? Yes I will move on if its not fixed I really will have no choice I like posting not just viewing and I can't even view anything other than the front page at times.
There are some evenings I cannot even get onto Spoofee.
it has been so slow since monday for me on spoofee... and it seems to be getting worse!
Lack of bandwidth and spoofee not maintaining the site has made the site really go downhill. It seems like the site has been abandon. I don't have the patience to sit and wait for a page to load forever, that's why I have high speed internet. I just go to other deal sites so I don't miss out.
i'm sorry.. spoofee has been abandoned? Is it possible that some of the problems aren't as easy to solve as pushing a button? From what Mr. Spoofee tells me, he spoke to the server, and basically they said there isn't anything they can do because Spoofee is being hit pretty hard. So he is in the process of figuring things out. Yes spoofee isn't the most vocal person, which is something he needs to work on. But it seems a little bit presumptuous to say he abandoned a site, that he worked so hard to build up to this point.

anyways. You are free to do what you need to do. In the mean time, The plumbing is in the process of being fixed.
PS it isn't the smilies that are slowing the site either. But they were apparently difficult to add.
PS it isn't the smilies that are slowing the site either. ...

Oh no? Perhaps you don't realize how large they are. For example, the "behind the sofa" smilie takes up 0.0000075 GB! At cable modem speeds, that must require something like 1/100th of a second!

I'm a busy man. If I had spare 1/100ths of seconds laying around to waste they'd be better put to use signing up for a free ballpoint pen from some charitable organization hoping to raise funds.
Sorry about this guys. Traffic has been increasing slowing down the site.

I consulted my webhost noc about it and they told me to minimize the content of the page or look into the coding or look into a better service plan. I have cut the content of the front page and changed the way search is done, etc, but it didn't help.

I have to admit, I thought it would be a temporary issue around the Black Friday timeframe, but I was clearly wrong.

On Monday, I'll be calling our webhost servint to upgrade us to a better machine.

Thanks for your patience guys and hopefully we'll be up again and will keep you guys updated. :)
after a slow morning, seeems to be working a lot faster. I guess Spoofee upgraded?
Not yet Scoopy.......:wink:...still extremely...slow here.....
The database has encountered a problem.


Please try the following:
Load the page again by clicking the Refresh button in your web browser.
Open the www.spoofee.com home page, then try to open another page.
Click the Back button to try another link.

The www.spoofee.com forum technical staff have been notified of the error, though you may contact them if the problem persists.

We apologise for any inconvenience.
Not yet, I contacted servint sales team and still waiting for a call back.

I harassed the tech guys a bit more and got
"You are using (or attempting to use) roughly three quarters of the entire host server's CPU. This is due to the 250+ apache processes, each of which are taking a fraction of CPU. I killed a few log processing jobs, so your logs will be skewed for the day, but this should free up some CPU. I've also tuned eAccelerator to use a bit more memory for caching.

What the other techs have told you so far is true. Nothing is technically "wrong" here, you are just pushing the hardware and software constraints of your package beyond their limits, so speed is suffering."

So it sounds like we really just need to upgrade to a new server. I'll give sales another call if I don't hear within the next 2 hours.
Not yet, I contacted servint sales team and still waiting for a call back.

I harassed the tech guys a bit more and got
"You are using (or attempting to use) roughly three quarters of the entire host server's CPU. This is due to the 250+ apache processes, each of which are taking a fraction of CPU. I killed a few log processing jobs, so your logs will be skewed for the day, but this should free up some CPU. I've also tuned eAccelerator to use a bit more memory for caching.

What the other techs have told you so far is true. Nothing is technically "wrong" here, you are just pushing the hardware and software constraints of your package beyond their limits, so speed is suffering."

So it sounds like we really just need to upgrade to a new server. I'll give sales another call if I don't hear within the next 2 hours.
After a long time of going back and forth, I was given the option to upgrade but for double the monthly cost.. yikes!

Over the years, Spoofee went from paying $1/month slowly to $200/month and now they want $400/month. If it's going to make life smoother on Spoofee for many people on here, it's totally worth it. I asked them to make the change, let's hope things'll run smoothly. But if things run slowly again after a week and they ask for more, I'll need to transfer to some other webhost.
Thanks from all of us, Spoofee! :cheer2:

:party:.................... :party:.....................:party:
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Hey! No no, thanks to you all for your patience.

Ok, request is in and they said they'll get it done asap.. which is sorta scary since I'm not sure when the site will go down, but they said it should go down for no more than 20 minutes when it does.
This is my favorite site I will be so happy to it the site running much faster. When will the change take place or did they already do it??

Thanks Again :rapture: :cheer2:
Thank you so much for being our host- I love my spoofee friends!!!