(Expired) Rogue Starter Acoustic Guitar for $20.94 Shipped

Wade - I'd never put you in the Trash Heap......:o
You werent being compared to it.. Just saying 'the wise one has spoken' made me think of those two little guys who were the trash heap's assistants. And they always said that.
Squid, Squid, Squid, you've been in enough trouble tonight too......wouldn't send you to the 'Trash Heap' neither....:)
Tell me about it. And Im not even being mean! Today at Radio Shack when the guy axed for my address I said something like 'you need my address? thats wierd.' and the guy says 'I dont give a damn. the company says...' I didnt do anything and the guy attacks me! The girl at Burger King was nice to me though. Even if my burger was wrong.

Thanks precocious. I'd rescue you from the trash heap too. :)
Dude............... if I may say, don't get the panties in a twist! :rolleyes: fuggettabouwdit! ;)
WadeTheWise said:
the kid with a web cam and the easy button worried me, such a lame video, at least he could have tried to look like he was playing. :)

You mean like this poser??

Boy, I can get just as low as he can on my Fender Acoustic/Electric with no problems. I wonder how he does it?? :hmm: :bs: :28:
Gotta give him credit for the shirt though!
he at least does a far better job of faking it. If you didn't know better you could almost imagine he wasl playing classical gas. The dueling brians kid was just lame. And as precocious pointed out, he had no teeth....
The kid had no teeth cuz someone heard they were making the lame video and smashed his mouth in.
Not that I know much, but I believe Ovation to be a really good brand.
Ah squid...who could be mad at you. That uke looked rather toyish. The thing that would turn me away from it was the fact that it only had 12 frets. My $20 Rogue has 15, and my 70 dollar washburn has 16...12 seems really short. I think for that price range you'd be better to go with the rogue or a slightly better one. That one looked like a good 15-20 dollar uke, not a 35 dollar one. IMHO of course.
These are small bodied guitars, not full size. I don't know if anyone else has pointed that out but I thought I would. Great for kids though!
Different price on the link. Price now 49.99

Is the link correct or was this just price mistake that they cought?
dgutter said:
Is the link correct or was this just price mistake that they cought?

It obviously sold out because people were buying 7 at a time to get free shipping.
everything I saw on other sites said it was just the red burst one that was on sale.